Monday 5 March 2012

How to: Make a Messy, Yummy, Crazy Pizza!

by Camy 


Ok, to make a Messy Yummy Crazy Pizza you will need:

  A friend too ashamed of the end result to appear on here
The smallest, tiniest oven you can find
Pizza dough
Tomatoe sauce
Cheese.... Looooads of cheese!
An olive

Step 1:
 Unroll the pizza dough on your table. Add the tomato sauce and the cheese... All the cheese...
Aah cheese... How could we live without cheese?...
 Anyways, back to buisness!

 Step 2:
Fold the dough in half and make the edge all cute using your fork
Make sure you look properly at this picture, it's the only nice one you'll see in this post.

Step 3:
Use a book to shove your pizza in the tiny teeny weeny oven. If it wrinkles/make wholes in your pizza/breaks it, good! That's what it should do.

Step 4:
At some point, your pizza should leak, and the cheese and tomatoe sauce should burn on the bottom of your oven. That's perfect. It's now time to take your pizza out of the oven. I recommend not using a book for this step, I think a wooden board would be more appropriate.
This step is pretty tricky because the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to let your pizza fall into a dish. Try to spill as much as you can on the table, on the floor and on yourself.

My advice as a wellknow gourmet would be not to eat what has spilled on the floor... I'm not sure it would be very good anyways.
Hmmmm! Looks yummy, right?!

Ok, now, put the "pizza" back in the oven and let it cook for some more minutes. How long? Well, you know, until it's eatable!

Step 5:
When your "pizza" is ready, it's time for you to decorate! I mean, you don't serve a piece of art like the Messy Yummy Crazy Pizza like any standard home failed pizza! Remember that olive I was telling you about at the very begining of this post? Well, it's time to take it out and make good use of it! With a gentle gesture, carefully put the olive on top of the "pizza". There. Perfect!
Not only does it look yummy but GOORGEOUS too!

Step 6:

 Eat, Laugh a lot, Enjoy!

    Carrot Juice - a delightful harmony

    By Za, 

    I learnt to make this carrot juice from my mum (may god be pleased with her). It's very simple, straightforward aaaaand healthy! :3 

    The are no specific measurements or portions to be followed in this recipe. It's really entirely up to you. You play with the quantity of the ingredients to create your favourite consistency, and you decide how sweet you'd like it to be! 

    Zee ingredients:

    About 10 medium carrots! properly washed, peeled and finely chopped into (round) slices - as shown in the picture above. 
    Sugar: 1 medium class. 
    3 tbsp of lemon juice. 
    2 pots of yogurt (normal Peach yogurt) .. I repeat, PEACH! ( NO apricot , strawberry or anything else.
    2 glasses of water.

    Zee Method: 

    1. Put the sliced carrots to steam. 
    2. Once done (I usually insert a fork to check they are proper soft), transfer them into a big bowl (or container) and add the sugar on top. Cover the bowl with a lid or a cloth, and let the sugar melt for a while (3 minutes roughly). 
    3. Add the lemon juice, a glass of water and blend everything. (you could use a hand blender or a speed blender, up to you)   

    When you feel the mixture is colder (warmer), add the peach yogurt and bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend more and more and more and .. ok.. just enough so everything is liquified, - add the other glass of water or just enough water to get the consistency you like. (I like it thick, like a milkshake

    Bellow are some pictures to illustrate the process: 
    Steamed carrots + sugar melting 

    + lemon juice and blend 

    + a glass of water and blend more 

    + Peach yogurt and blend 

    This is what some carrots made! a1anda1/2L bottle of juice :3 

    Bsahatkom - Enjoy - Bon appetit. 

    The Algerian Couscous - Kseksou

    By Za, 

    ^^^^ ** Teaser ** ^^^^

    "To be continued mwahahaha"

    Thursday 1 March 2012

    Thick Norwegian Salmon soup

    By Reem, 

    This is my sisters recipe which she learnt from a friend and she said she changed few bits. Dont know which. 
    Can be eaten with white rice, wholemeal bread or if u fancy on its on as a soup.

    Meal for 4
    2 small pieces of salmon fillet.
    1 big potato
    3 carrots
    Half a courgette
    1 small onion
    Half a leek
    3 bits of garlic.. Dont know what the small piece are called.
    2 tea spoons of tomato puree or 2 table spoons or canned peeled tomatoes.
    Salt, black pepper, thyme and oregano.
    Milk 1.5 mug


    Chop all the veggies (meduim)
    Galric (mash up)
    - In little olive oil fry the onions and garlic.
    - Add the carrot, leek, potatoes. (in that order)
    - Add the tomatoes puree.
    - Add the salt, black pepper, thyme and oregano.
    - Stir and stir and let them cook. Add a lil water when they get dry and let it evaporate.
    - Add half a mug of milk and let them cook nice and slow.
    - Add the courgettes
    - Add the salmon (make sure it's skinned)
    - Stir, add the remaining milk and wait 5 mins before you cover it for 20 mins on low heat.
    (((note that the smell at all stages do not reflect the taste... Thankfully the taste is better, so keep tasting to make sure everything is cooking and not overcooking)))
    -Enjoy it.

    Courtesy of Rania Hamid

    PS: Also add more of the humble spices before putting the lid on for 20 mins if u fancy. 

    Hope you like it inshaAllah

    PS:  Good thing about this is that it doesnt require so much salmon ;) 

    Enjoy :) 

    Pasta bake with veggies - Yemeni Hands

    By Reem 

    This is a simple recipe for pasta and cheese lovers.

    I just followed instructions on the pasta sauce jar.

    Cooking time: 40 mins, serves 6

    1. Pasta (i used wholemeal) 3/4 of a medium pack.
    2. Cheese (i used mozzarella and cheddar).
    3. A generous amount (depends on u).
    4. Pasta bake ready sauce (whole jar) I will upload the pic of it.
    5. A whole medium red onions
    6. A carrot
    7. 1/4 green pepper
    8. 1/4 orange or red pepper
    9. Salt and black pepper.


    Preheat the oven on the highest.

    Boil your pasta (salt and olive oil)
    Fry the chopped veggies in a bit of vooking olive oil. Start with the carrots, onions and peppers. 

    When the pasta has cooked fully, drain it and add it to the pan which has the veggies.
    Cook together for 3 mins and add salt and black pepper.
    Pour the sauce jar into a deep-ish oven tray.
    Add water (not boiled( to the empty jar, shake it and add it to the pasta mixture.
    Put the pasta mixture into the oven tray.
    Mix it all up.
    Put it in the oven.
    Take it out in 20 mins.
    Can add more black pepper at this stage.
    Add half the cheese into the pasta. Make sure it goes all in and everywhere. It will be melting. Yummmy.
    Sprinkle the rest on top and back in the oven until the cheese on top is golden brown.

    Serve hottt and enjoy.

    Here are some picture illustrating the steps: 


